Hi All,
Well the good news is they were able to remove all the surgial clips without
much difficulty they knocked me out so I knew nothing. My wife sope with the surgeon and it turned out there were 3 clips that were at the bladder neck he said they were completely out so no cutting. There was some bleeding so they put in a cath and said if the urine cleared they would take it out. It finally did but the surgeon stronly suggested we stay in Orlando over night and see him in the office the next day he said we were over 3 hours away and if anything happened he would feel better if we were close. So we stayed and you guessed it was up 5 times during the night and each time going less and less by 6AM nothing and the worst pain I have felt. Called the doctor they came right in did a ultrasound and said I was not emptying my bladder so had to put in a cath but by that time I was so happy because it relieved the pain right away. So I am now home and going back on Friday to have the cath removed and staying over again to be sure. All this time in Orlando and no time for Disney.
Regarding the 0.3 PSA the doctor wants to repeat 2 weeks after the cath comes out and everything calms down said could be result of all the irriation. Otherwise with my Path Report not likely to be local recurrance and does not feel radation would help. We will decide after next PSA