Post robotic I have continued to loose weight. Down about
9 to 10 lbs at 5' 9" 148 lbs. today. Of course I have changed my diet, mostly veggies, fish, pasta, crackers, not much caffeine, etc. Prior to surgery if it was not nailed down, or did not move for five minutes, I ate it. Seriously, before surgery I did not eat all that bad, my wife suffers from food/msg/ induced migraines, and we do watch our diet. However, it was not beyond me, when we go home to my wife's state of Mississippi, to gain 6 or 7 lbs. over and above my normal of 158 lbs.
This weight loss of 8 - 10 lbs. to 148 lbs. eight weeks out has me concerned. I hope it is because I am eating right, and walking daily, 'cause I don't need no more aggrivation.