Note the dates before you comment. -- PDAI am 48 and had my prostate removed 3 months ago. I have stage III and a Gleason score of 8. I have been told it's aggressive and they are "throwing" everything they have at it.
I pressed my Oncologist for morbidity information and he eventually said there is a 10% chance that they can "cure" the cancer. This is based on the hope that the cancer remains localized to the prostate cavity. It had entered my seminal vesicles but not my lymph nodes. All appropriate scans were done and no cancer was detected in my bones or other organs.
After the surgery I had a PSA level of .07. I assume that I will have somewhere between 7 and 10 years of remission and then begin to see a rise in my PSA levels that will require other therapies to extend my life. But, at this age (48) I assume it will "only" provide 22-33 months free from bio-chemical failure.
The studies I have read usually deal with older men.
Post Edited By Moderator (PeterDisAbelard.) : 9/26/2016 9:56:32 AM (GMT-6)