As indicated in my recent post, latest PSA up to .09 from undetectable (I really disklike typing that last sentence).
I've had lower back / hip pain on and off for the last year. In June, bone scan came back ok.
Fast forward to now - depending on the next PSA, docs may want to do a bone scan or MRI and probably recommend ADT.
1) Which is more sensitive of a test?
2) I suppose bone scan checks bone and MRI checks soft tissue?
3) One of my friends told me that his oncologist (very reputable) finds that if PC comes back, it is usually is in the lymph nodes near the back. He sends his patients to Sand Lake Imaging in Orlando where they use a MRI that uses a contrast agent that consists of nano-particles of iron oxide which can find sites as small as 2mm. Thoughts on this? Ever heard of this type of MRI?