HW views on exercise...
I guess it's kinda like pomegranate juice - can't hurt so what have you got to lose?
A current study indicates a clear benefit for PCa specific survival with exercise and rigorous exercise having the greatest benefit.
However, the National Cancer Institute says mostly no...except one recent study where exercise helped folks 65 and up.
What is the relationship between physical activity and risk of prostate cancer?
Research findings are less consistent about
the effect of physical activity on prostate cancer, with at least 36 studies in North America, Europe, and Asia. Overall, the epidemiologic research does not indicate that there is an inverse relationship between physical activity and prostate cancer (4, 7). Although it is possible that men who are physically active experience a reduction in risk of prostate cancer, the potential biological mechanisms that may explain this association are unknown, but may be related to changes in hormones, energy balance, insulin-like growth factors, immunity, and antioxidant defense mechanisms (7). One recent study suggested that regular vigorous activity could slow the progression of prostate cancer in men age 65 or older (9).