Not sure what the orignail text was but this is the text I had about
how to do Kegels:
Up to ten times a day…
Sitting on a chair with your legs apart lean forward, resting your elbows on your knees, and make a conscious effort to relax your abdominal muscles and buttocks. Although sitting like this is probably the best way in which to do these exercises, they can be done whilst standing or lying down, with the knees slightly apart.
Contract the muscles around the urethra (imagine stopping the stream of urine whilst urinating). Keep the muscles contracted for the count of five (one-and two-and three-and four-and five) and then relax the muscles. After the count of five, repeat this cycle of contraction and relaxation five times.
Next contract these muscles quickly and strongly, then relax immediately. Repeat these quick contractions and relaxation five times in rapid succession.
Now do five slow and five rapid contractions with the muscles around the anal canal (imagine you are stopping yourself passing wind) instead of those around the urethra.
Next, stand with your legs slightly apart and contract both sets of muscles at the same time – it should feel as if you are pulling up the entire pelvic floor. Contract and relax these muscles five times, trying to contract them more strongly each time.or try this perhaps? Floor exercises_PatientHandout.pdf
(fixed the spaces in the link - 142)
Post Edited By Moderator (142) : 2/11/2012 6:23:02 PM (GMT-7)