Hi, I was contemplating the prior post which asked about the high BCR rate for those using this board.
Birds of a feather comes to mind, but I was reminded that I have garnered SOOOOO much information, SOOOO many details since I was DX 2 years ago next month, that I've almost lost all context of how i'm doing.
How am I Doing is asked of me by most everyone I run into... which is real nice, and not so real nice at the same time. It occurs to me that How I Am Doing these days has more to do with my mind, and not my cancer. At least in the current.
The disease draws on you over time, but the mind has the capacity to recover and manuever more swiftly. Some days I feel like crap, nothing is right, i'm just running out the string. Other days, the sun warms my face, I feel greatful for the moment, and I am able to place it all into a healty perspective. It's proper Context.
SORRY FOR RAMBLING! MY intented Point for this post was share again some of the numbers that I had just gone over again.. because 2 years out and soo much having gone on since, I almost lost track of the facts of the matter...
So here are a few i chery picked out. For whatever it/they might mean or be worth to anyone. Just a reminder I guess.
From U.S. Institue of Health:
*Based on rates from 2006-2008, 16.48% of men born today
will be diagnosed with cancer of the prostate at some time during their
*8.58% of men will develop cancer of the prostate between
their 50th and 70th birthdays.
*1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with cancer of the prostate
during their lifetime.
*It is estimated that 240,890 men will be diagnosed with
and 33,720 men will die of cancer of the prostate in 2011
*From 2004-2008, the median age at diagnosis for cancer
of the prostate was 67 years of age.
*From 2004-2008, the median age at death for cancer of
the prostate was 80 years of age.
Stage at Diagnosis:
Localized (confined to primary site) 81%.
Regional (spread to regional lymphnodes) 12%.
Distant (cancer has metastasized) 4%.
Unknown (unstaged) 3%.
*On January 1, 2008, in the United States there were
approximately 2,355,464 men alive who had a history of cancer of the
Good thoughts to all..