As I said, I'm consulting with my Umich doc (Hussain) on Monday the 5th and then a telephone consultation with Dr. Lam on Wednesday the 7th.
I will make a decision after those two consultations. The only possibility of a reprieve would be if they thought it was inadvisable to do the PSA 5 days after surgery. (Incidentally, the pathology report made my hair stand on end: totally gangarenous, necrotizing, inflamed, etc. -- I was actually in critical condition but never realized it!). So, maybe that influenced my PSA (sans prostate, I doubt it). If that is the case, then maybe I can redo the PSA in a month.
I was really hoping to get through the school term (mid-May) before starting HT.
Realistically, my best guess of that I will start with Casodex on or shortly thereafter the 7th and then do the Lupron shot 7-12 days after that.