It is great stuff, you likely has seen some of the videos over the years from these conferences. Back in 2006 the panel included: Tucker (still in Asia and well paid to be there), Strum, Sartor, Myers, and others. My friend whom I had you hooked up with an email a while back, has attended many of these over the last 10 yrs.+ or so, he actually became a friend of Harry Pinchot (layperson award winner years ago) and he and Harry combined their input questions and submitted them to the panel of experts from PCRI. This friend has attended many of these over the years, has video CD's on many of these conferences. You will hear things from like Dr. Myers and others on findings and protocols, that you never heard of anywhere else.....these are the cutting edge oncologists whom are independent enough to explore and do unique protocols and sequencings of drugs for hrpca patients. Last years winner of the Harry Pinchot award is Rick Profit of Paact Newsletter/Paact Advocacy Group he has helped patients for like 15 yrs. or more with total dedication and superb newsletters. So, after you go see it, do report on your thoughts about
the conference and meeting other patients there. The questions presented are usually from these types of informed lay people and given to the panel of PCRI docs to comment upon.