likely you will get some of the many side effects, some handle it way better than others it seems, weight gain is common, losing muscle mass is common enough, longer term bone density and memory can even be affected. There are other drugs you can add to combat some side effects and exercise is worthy too. As for gynecomastia it may happen in some men and more so with casodex added in combo or in high dose casodex 100-150 mg daily adds risks for this, also proscar or avodart adds risks for this.
BOOBS- Now you can take another drug to attempt to prevent boobs from happening or you can get immediate radiation light doses to the boobs to stop growth (works in many men), can be done with lighter duty 'electron rays' and usually 3-4 sessions or you might have a doc do it in one session (which I did do and was helpful, although I should have done it even sooner than I did, but worked). I had like a sunburn looking round ring approx. 4+" dia. around each one, showing like a tan or burn but it subsided after less than 30 days, but for those 30 days going to beach is not without high risk laughter or questions (lol). Been 8 yrs. since the boob radiations and no known issues (fyi). Dr. Myers pointed out that like 15-20% of men approx. never get boobs even with alot of these drugs, so it is not a certain event. Surgery is another late option and a friend of mine did that not to long ago, he sent me photos of the two drainage tubes hooked up immediately after (not wonderful to think about
), but he looks very good now and not with any boobs.
Depending upon how long you are on these drugs, you may return to a normalcy of prior manhood or to some degree, the longer you are on it the more it becomes a possible real issue. Other can fill you in with more details and likely examples (TMI) might even be written about
. (-:
As for mojo I think you have much better chance of having mojo with casodex useage vs. LHRH-Lupron, Zoladex, et al types.
Post Edited (zufus) : 9/22/2012 3:32:12 PM (GMT-6)