The evidence for diet and cancer connections is fairly strong, and most scientists would agree with this. How it works out practically is another matter. In general, most of the reliable research between diet and health has shown connections between diet and heart health; prostate cancer not so much. The most evidence for a healthy diet in this regard is for the Mediterranean diet, which consists of plentiful fruits and vegetables, lean meats in small amounts and limited saturated fats. The longitudinal studies showing this have been huge with Framingham Study, Nurses' Health Study and others involving thousands of subjects.
There are, of course, outliers like Bill Clinton with his bad heart and Mike Milken with advanced prostate cancer, who needed to take extreme dietary measures, but for most of us it is not necessary to go spartan. When the hyped diets, the diets-du-jour, and unscientific diets are eliminated, the evidence-based Mediterranean diet trumps the rest. See the following link from UCSF on nutrition and prostate cancer.
For anyone interested in tracking what you eat, the USDA has a good tool at the following website
Post Edited (Tim G) : 10/24/2012 8:42:32 AM (GMT-6)