I am also a new pricker and some of you may have seen my thread I started a few weeks ago. Tallguys Caverject ED journey.
I started with 10mcg of Edex (aprostadil) which was first supposed to be Caverject (also aprostadil) but was not available at local pharm. I did the 10mcg in the Doc office for the demo with a nurse doing the pricking. I got decent wood so decided to give it a whirl at home. It took a week to get the Caverjet/Edex 10mcg located but finally got it.
My wife and I gave it a try and it worked fairly well. First time in four years we got it on and it was OK but not the best. We decided we need harder wood so I called the Doc and got his OK to inject two vials of 10mcg Edex. It worked great. Got wood in about 10 minutes and much improved over the single 20mcg. Great sex for both of us. Like the old days. Lasted about 30 minutes and then back to limp Buford. I have three move doses of 10mcg and will now get the Doc to prescribe 20mcg and we should be good.