Wessy: Don't get yourself so worked up. Your Dr. will be done with the injection in literally 2 seconds. I was amazed how fast and painless it really was. Just think of it as "fun therapy". Just think of pleasant things when you are getting the shot. I was making love to my wife 10 minutes later..never drove home so fast! Compared to what you have been thru, this is a "walk in the park". I too was squeemish so my wife gave me the shots after that. My dr. gave me the thinnest needles (31 ga.) and shortest (5/16"). By using the shortest, you simply jab as far as it can go and push the plunger.
You are still early in the healing process and I honestly believe that by me taking Bimix injections starting at month 6, I was able to snap out of my ED. At 19 months I only need 1/2 tablet of Cialis and I am nearly 100% every time. I was 59 years old when I started injections.
I don't know what your Dr. is going to start you out with, but I asked for the most "gentlest" substance and he gave me Bimix and a very weak formulation at that. If you get Tri-mix or some of the other formulations, you may get an nasty ache.
As I have posted in the past, I went thru one vial of Bimix in about 6 months (25 injections). What I noticed was that as I used it, it became less and less effective. HOWEVER, my natural response with and without Cialis increased. Also you will notice that your little friend will be somewhat cold after the injection, but as things improve over time, it will warm up. I snapped out of needing injections just after I bought my second vial. I now keep that vial on the top shelf of my refirigerator ( and will probably do so forever) just a trophy for overcoming ED. So go for it, relax, and I bet you will be in great shape in another 6 months! And remember..a lot of fellows with injection experience are here for you if you have any questions. We are all rooting for you! Good Luck.
Bill K. from NJ
Now Age 60: PSA at 50 was 1.7. PSA at 58 was 3.3, (Free PSA 21%), 1/12 cores positive. Gleason 3+4
DaVinci RP July 2011, Chilton Hospital, Northern NJ
Pathology: downgraded to 3+3, 10% involv. clear margins, organ confined.
Immediate urinary control..never needed a pad!. However sever Ed for 9 monhts.
Now at 19 months, 100% w/ 10 mg. of "overseas manufactured" Cialis.
All PSA to date: <0.015.