I am new here, and I saw my doctor for my annual check up yesterday. He found a "prostate lump" and the last time I saw him there was none. Previous to this I had a blood test done because I was also there to get my cholesterol checked.
He saw the report and looked at the blood test and he said it showed results as normal and that in itself is "reassuring". He thinks it is nothing but I should get it checked out.
So, I made the appointment and I imagine I will be getting a "Transrectal Prostate Biopsy" done. I have read the threads about this and whether or not it is painful or not, and it seems to be a toss-up, depending upon particular situations.
I hate hospitals, I never have had anything done to me besides seeing my doctor for annual check-ups.
I am 59 years old, my wife has survived breast cancer, and recently had a benign brain tumor. I have seen first hand the effects of chemotherapy, and radiation and it scares me. I would not be the trooper she has been.
I guess I am lucky because the blood test was normal, but I am still afraid.
any suggestions or thoughts,