Just a few observations
1. See! I knew I could get all you guys united on something...
2. It's funny how all of a sudden the "urodocs" first were doing the Ka-ching and now they are goats for reducing screening and over treatment...
3. The patient community in general feels basically that there is no such thing as over diagnosis.
4. The patient community in general wants every man to screen annually starting at 40 or even earlier for the rest of their lives..
5. See I knew JohnT and I would eventually agree on something...
We have a long way to go on that happy median but it's ok to not agree on this. I am not against screening but like John, I think population based screening is the wrong thing to do. We need a better test before that ever happens. Just a note, less than 50% of men will ever get a PSA test. I also believe that if we are really concerned about
preventable death rates to any ailment we should have every man check his weight and stop poor eating and exercise habits and quit smoking. And that should be long before he ever has a PSA test.