I just had my 3 month psa this week, about
a year ago I was at .008, my recent psa was .08 and my uro started talking about
therapy if needed. He said typical protocol would be adjuvant and he would administer shots in his office. I thought medical oncologists are responsible for that. He also said about
70% of his T3b patients have had no treatment in 15 years. Although we like him, I'm getting a little nervous about
some things and wondering if I should be looking for second opinions, is anyone familiar with Henry Ford Medical Center? Do they have a very good advanced PCa program there? I have BCBS insurance. What else Should I be looking at? Thanks.
Gave your thread a title. -- PeterDisAbelardPost Edited By Moderator (PeterDisAbelard) : 6/22/2013 7:04:47 AM (GMT-6)