Lesions could maybe be radiated to stop pain and maybe kill off PCa at the site. Lots of drugs possible for PCa, see www.hrpca.org to see proven therapies. Estrogenic drugs can be useful for some and can work on hrpca cells, can work when Lupron or casodex fails. Builds bone density and helps memory too. No money in it and most docs never offer it or subscribe it, Dr. Fred Lee used it on himself with emcyt and this incureable guy is still alive 33 yrs. later, he didn't do the other drugs (fyi) and he invented cryo therapy many decades ago, probably knows a thing or two about
PCa (ha-ha). This thing of PCa is full of arguments and discussions, practicing medicine is alive and well. The newest drugs are very pricey so one hopefully has great insurance, spending $100,000 a year is not unheard of anymore.
Study up on various options and get envolved in your actual choices or find a doc that will work with you for having choices (good idea anyway). I had a lesion zapped back in Jan. and seems to have done its thing, via comparison scans and such. Try to enjoy whatever time frame we have, many unknowns as to events and things in this world, so PCa might not be our biggest worry. (that includes my optimistic outlook-LOL)
Post Edited (zufus) : 8/30/2013 7:11:53 AM (GMT-6)