H there,
I have lurked int he background since my boyfriends diagnosis in Nov of 2012. Found it with a higher than normal PSA of 4.8 at 65 years of age. He had surgery in Dec 2012 at Mt. Sinai in NYC with Dr. Samadi. The pathology was great... neg margins, neg SVI, no PNI, no lymph node invasion, organ contained, 20% bilateral tumor involvement with Gleason 3+4, so deemed a pT2c. He is still leaking, but making slow progress. Also ED is slowly improving. Using trimix and pills. His 3 and 6 month PSA at his surgeon's lab came back at <.01, so we were very happy. In addition he receives disability benefits from the VA due to his time in special forces in Vietnam and exposure to agent orange, so 2x per year they do a complete blood workup. His first PSA post RP with the VA was <.01. His second, in August came back at .02. I know this is undetectable by all standards, but I cannot help thinking about it and worrying. We go back to his surgeon for his 9 month PSA in another month. I am hoping the most recent PSA at the VA was a blip or maybe they used another lab and all will be normal with his surgeons lab. I can't help the crazy thoughts! The fact that his disease was bilateral and was a GL 7 adds fuel to my fire, even though I intellectually know we're still undetectable. A <.01 would just make me feel better. Am I crazy?