Hi John,
In your thread's Subject line, you wrote: "Finally after multiple biopsy cancer is found, should i be happy?"
My brief response here is just addressing this question...
Almost without exception, after receiving a diagnosis of cancer (as you just have) most men have expressed fear, anxiety, a "wall of shock" (nice descriptive phrase from member "142"), and even (according to some of their doctors) "hysteria." So, it wouldn't be surprising that you should feel some of those emotions.
But I gotta say, doing a math estimate, you've probably had about 100 biopsy samples pulled out, and only one was able to find any cells that resembled what they today call "prostate cancer," and it was the lowest possible grading of PC that exists today...well, there are probably a whole lot of guys who would say that any fear or anxiety you might feel at first should quickly wash away. Extending what JohnT mentioned (that 50% of men 50 yrs old have what you've got, or more), you've simply got a case of what many would call "natural aging." When you get older, you gotta monitor your health more closely, and you can now add this to the list...
best wishes...