Hello all,
My husband had his specialist appointment earlier today, and I am feeling less than ok about how things are progressing.
You can see the previous leadup from the signature below, but I had not inserted any PSA levels. (I am starting to call them "pissant" levels even though its not particularly ladylike).
0.15 Sept 2012
0.13 November 2012 (final Lucrin injection given - they last 4 months)
0.09 March 2013
0.12 June 2013
0.40 November 2013
Obviously the jump between June and November is evident, and to my mind, quite a quantum leap as the numbers have nearly tripled!
The doctor said not to be concerned just yet as it could be a result stemming from a rising Testosterone level, but that this (the T level) should flatten out.
He is re-testing again in 3 months time, and it's going to be a very anxious wait.
We always ask to receive the results prior to seeing the doctor (usually the day or so before) so that we can mull them over and have any questions ready so this was not a nasty surprise in the doctors office.
Dr. did say in the event of further rises - even to 0.50 - it may have to be the hormone treatment again. This has depressed my husband enormously (the hormone treatment, not necessarily the rise in psa) .
I don't really understand this fixation and level of importance that men place on their penises and sex life - I guess its a bloke thing!
Thank you for all the posts that people submit. Its very sad to see so many men in this predicament, but encouraging with all the motivational and helpful support given to all.