canuck77 said...
Just saw cancer Dr to-day and will see him again in 6 months.
Originally he said a one year course of HT. To-day, after 6 months of HT [and HDR], He is not pushing the HT as much now. That it is up to me if I want to take the 9 month one or not.
He was also saying we have an option to take the 6th month or not.
He said he can only advise what they know so far and that 12 months is the official recommendation.
They used to give HT for 3 years and then figured they had the same results with 2 years, then that moved to 1 year. Maybe that information will be changing to 6 months???
Dr said that if we want to stop at 6 months we have the option. It was like he was telling us I have an option. If you know what i mean.
It seems my hip and pelvis pain might be from arthritis starting and the HT might be causing it and another shot may worsen it plus i have the mood swings and fatigue. Arthritis runs in the family so it is a concern.
I am of course naturally eager to get off the HT and go back to work too but also don't want to take any chances as I was a Gleason 8.
So we now have options of stopping HT at 6 months, or go one more shot = 9 months.
Does anyone have any up to date research information on HT etc?
Did anyone find their HT side effect worsen from their 6 months to 9 months?
Thank you again for the support and hope you are all doing well
Been there done that and quite honestly I'm not sure what I would do if I had to do it over again. My Brachy ONCO was the one who convinced me, with data, to go with at least 12 months in conjunction with the Brachy process for the best possible results.