What a strange trip this has been. I refuse to be to pessimistic simply because I was raised to believe someone always has it worse, and I believe that.
I now have 2 more RT sessions left and I was excited about that but today when I had my weekly visit with my On. Dr. he informed my I need to take off till next Monday. It seems he is concerned about my internal Hemorrhoids , (the Bad & Ugly) OUCH !! None of the prescribed ointments or suppositories have been a cure ,but maybe a little help, (very little). I think sometimes this has been more of a mind trip than I expected too. Not only the roids but the loss of any sign of an erection for 6 months now, and all the urination issues. Just the daily 30minute trips in town never became the norm. After about number 25 I couldn't make it 4 blocks from the center before I had to stop for a bathroom again.
As much as I shouldn't say it "whats next?" I have not yet talked about "whats next" with my Doctors, I guess PSA tests soon or after a month, not sure? But I do hope this will be over soon.
I really didn't expect any of this to turn out so real if that makes any since. I thought "OK the surgery, recuperate and so on" NOT. So I still ask myself will this be over soon.
I had a very similar ride like this one in my childhood with hodgkins lymphoma Then again with ITP in my teen years. This better be the last of it.
Can you tell I don't discuss this much with anyone? Anyway enough complaining, I know some do have it worse , and I hope I didn't scare any first posters, just telling it like it is.
I am glad I found this site it did answer many of my questions. I remember the first few friends I told that I was diagnosed with PC ,a few of them said they new someone who had it and it was no big deal. HA ! Wrong!!!
Post Edited (Agent 124578) : 11/26/2013 4:08:27 PM (GMT-7)