Break60 said...
Very nice! With his stats, brachy was a good choice other than AS.
Keep us posted and best wishes!
DOB January 1944
1981: prostatitis
2000-2013 BPH, low T treated with avodart, tamsulosin, androgel
PSA History:
Pre 2000 0.4
01-08 0.6
3/09: 0.6
11/2011 2.2
8/2012 2.7
2/2103 5.5
4/2013 6.1
5/2013 6.6
11/1 2013 0.1
6/2013 Bx:PCa Gleason 4+4=8 (Bostwick), 4+5= 9(Johns Hopkins), 2/6 cores, 10%, 40%, DRE neg. (Stage T1c)
7/2013: bone scan and pelvic MRI negative for mets.
9/7/13 open nerves sparing RRP, Johns Hopkins, Ted Schaeffer MD PhD.
9/9/2013 Pathology: SVI, EPE and pos. margin at base (Gl7),N0M0, (Stage T3b)
9/20 2013 Foley and staples removed;
currently: one pad per day for security, ED (pre-op and post op)
Watchful waiting until next PSA in 3 months
His URO actually recommended AS, but after meeting with the Radiation Oncologist, he decided to go forward with Brachy. He doesn't regret that decision. He feels perfectly normal 6 months out.