Starts ealier May, my Dad had symptom of Spinal Cord Compression: sore, numbeness, weak legs. But the doctor did not think towards that until earlier this month when my Dad could hardly walk. Ordered MRI and found mets'tumors intrude epidural space between s2 sand s3. Seems that my dad's case is very aggressive and the doctor is always a step behind.
Dad started RT last week and discontinued Docetaxel chemo. But because of the aggressiveness of his situation, the doctor prescribed estramustine to take by mouth, which he thinks have less side effect than Docetaxel and hope my Dad can handle. Anybody has experience having RT and Chemo together?
By the way, Dad is not in US and has limitted access to latest drugs.
Dad, age 65
12/26/2013 Dx: StageIV, bone mets,GS:9~10
PSA: 76; Lupron + casodex, Bisphosphonates
01/28/2014 PSA: 22
02/25/2014 PSA: 8
03/25/2014 PSA: 17
04/01/2014 PSA: 22; Replace Casodex with Flutamide
04/29/2014 PSA: 70
05/06/2014 Back to Casodex, double the dose
05/11/2014 PSA: 100
05/17/2014 PSA: 120; Chemo(Docetaxel) 1
06/05/2014 PSA: 128
06/12/2014 Starts RT