Jerry L, let me know what you find out from the webinar. Unfortunately, I'm unable to attend/participate, but I really wanted to...
My understanding is a little different than what you wrote. ALL the trial participants were advanced PC cases, but they also set a target of accruing only "high volume mets" men which they could not meet, and so later they expanded the trial to also include "low volume mets" guys (but again, all had advanced PC). High- and low-volume definitions, for the purposes of this trial, are documented in the literature.
They have now gathered enough data for the trial as a whole to define the MEDIAN improvement in OS which I believe is 17 months, and also enough data to determine the MEDIAN improvement for the (larger) subset of the group which had high-volume mets which I believe was 15 months. But, since they started later with the low-volume subset of men, they have not YET been able to determine the MEDIAN OS improvement for those men. But the results so far look very good, and likely better than the 14 month OS improvement for high-volume men.
So, when you say that the "jury is still out," I believe that is (sorta) correct, but I do not believe that "it was just the opposite." It's not that the data for the low-volume guys is "not significant," it is simply not complete at this point in time.
Please let me know what you learn from the webinar...