Just a quick history: Biopsy Pathology Gleason 8, 4 of 12 cores positive, PSA 5.7 at time of RRP at University of Washington, immediate relapse and SRT full pelvic Nov 2009, PSA at the time .34, 2 years of ADT(Lupron only) PSA undetectable for a short period after coming off of ADT. PSA begins to rise, doubling time 3 weeks (.68 to 1.35) so it was a true doubling time estimate not an ultra sensitive type doubling time check.
I knew I had to do something quickly so I decided to travel to Orlando( I live in Seattle) to have a Feraheme scan done by Dr. Bravo and then have a follow up with Dr. Dattoli, this was Sept. Oct. 2012. The Feraheme came back actually inconclusive although it found some suspicious lymph nodes in the lower abdomen. I went from Orlando to Sarasota to see Dr. Dattoli, during the consult it was obvious that he was a little perturbed with Dr. Bravo for not doing a biopsy of the area but he told me he knew where my cancer was based on my scans, his experience and common sense. He suggested 37 sessions of DART which is his form of radiation along with one year of heavy duty HT ( which included Lupron, Casodex, Estraidol patch, Zometa, and Avodart. My wife and I discussed it and decided it was the right thing to do. I stayed in Sarasota and finished the radiation treatment and returned to Seattle.
I completed the 1year of ADT in October of 2013, I just returned from an appointment with my oncologist and my PSA is undetectable. I have spoken with a fair number of individuals who have done the Feraheme, Dattoli deal and I believe most are very happy with the outcome, I think tarhoosier has had a remission for over 18 months according to his postings. I have spoken to others who are on their 3rd, or 4th year of remission.
Dattoli said he doubted that we could actually cure me but he felt we could put me in a long term remission and slow things down significantly which seems to be the case. The guy is a real magician in my opinion.
I have had some SE's obviously but it's not due to the Dattoli radiation in my opinion, it was from my initial SRT, a bladder neck constricture which subsequently led to an issue with my spinchter, which led to me becoming a member of the AMS 800 club. Dattoli was shooting up much higher with his plan.
My point in all of this is, there are options if you really want to look and follow up but there are also risks.
Good luck