Several folks wrote back on my original post, thanks very much. Most everybody mentioned that I've got plenty of time to research, consult, decide on a treatment path and move forward. My question - how long is too long to wait to actually get the treatment?
Biopsied in mid-September, so nothing doing until November. Was initially planning on waiting till the end of January (work reasons) to actually get whatever treatment done.
Am I just playing with fire? I think I'm fortunate that everything came back as Gleason 6, but given 6 of 12 random cores (mostly left, one of the right) were positive, and the trigger event for all of this was a palpable nodule (albeit small) on the left side, pretty far over... it's got me thinking, esp. in terms of the likelihood of recurrence post-treatment.
Working on getting a second opinion, too.... but assuming worst case, would an "upgrade" on some scores to Gleason 7 make a delay until late January any riskier?