Happens every time just like you said. I suspect - but don't know- that it is somewhat related to the phenomena of climacturia. My thinking is that the sphincter that used to remain closed under autonomic control is gone. The sphincter that remains, which was normally/mostly under voluntary control in days past, used to relax during sex to allow escape of semen, while the other one clamped shut all by itself, without any thinking.
So, I have come to suspect that as soon as I have a sexual impulse or thought, and if I don't remember to actively Kegel, my nervous system sends a signal to my sphincter to relax(so that semen could escape if it was there) and allows escape of urine. Just like it always did but in the old days when there was another sphincter closer to the bladder which did the opposite when that signal was sent and closed up tight to hold urine in the bladder, regardless of what the other sphincter was doing. I have missed that other sphincter ever since the surgery. It was handy as a boot jack.
In support of this is is the fact that I often find that, even when hiking vigorously uphill or working in the yard, even if I am not doing any active effort, not even a slight Kegel, still the urine stays inside. It used to pour out, but mostly behaves now with no thought from me. But let me pat my wife's behind or anything similar, and if I don't remember to actively Kegel, look out here it comes. Urine, that is. (not a lot, but a few drops will be forthcoming)
Post Edited (BillyBob@388) : 5/11/2015 7:18:38 AM (GMT-6)