Since you are on this site, you may have already gone through this stage, but if you are new to the site, this may be helpful information. Men, there can and most likely will be blood with ejaculation after the prostate biopsy. Please prepare your partner. I had a feeling this would happen(I am a nurse), but I was not prepared by my husband. I felt so upset afterwards. I hurt for my spouse, even though it did not hurt him. My brain was having a hard time with the visual, because women bleed, not men. So my advice, is please prepare your partner. If a person is prepared it will be less upsetting. I know a little blood is the least of some of our worries, but at least if a person is prepared, it will be less shocking and cause less weakness behind the knees.
Thank you to everyone for your honesty in your posts. It has helped me to understand different concerns.
We are still waiting for results. We are preparing to deal with whatever results we get. He had a biopsy with out anesthesia and had a lot of discomfort during the procedure. He was told they could not use anesthesia. He was a little sore for a few days.
Posting from the USA
Post Edited (Eileen) : 5/26/2015 12:10:12 AM (GMT-6)