I'm 44 and just received the results of an abnormal abdominal prostate ultrasound ordered by my primary care physician. Since my urology appointment is 10 days away, and I'm in freak out mode, I'm hoping to get some information about
what to expect going forward. Do these findings warrant an immediate biopsy or is this something that will be watched closely first? I've been googling every possible phrase from the report's findings and impression, and not coming up with much useful information.
No Signs/Symptoms
PSAs: 0.6 12/2010, 0.4 12/2012, 0.4 12/2014
The prostate gland measures 4.2 x 3.4 x 4.2 cm. There is hypoechoic nodules seen within the ventral peripheral prostate gland abutting the floor of the urinary bladder. Mild extrinsic defect is seen in the floor of the peripheral prostate gland abutting the floor of the urinary bladder. It mesaures 1.7 x 1.2 x 1.2 cm. It does not demonstrate increased vascularity.
Hypoechoic peripheral nodules seen along the ventral aspect of the prostate gland with mild extrinsic defect seen within the floor of the urinary bladder. Transrectal prostate ultrasound can be performed to further delineate this finding.
Post Edited (rja1797) : 7/28/2015 2:06:42 PM (GMT-6)