NKinney said...
Some of you guys seem awfully disappointed (as evidenced in your “told you so!” comments) that this one study didn’t result in proof of pomegranate as a silver bullet/miracle cure. Too bad, so sad.
This is the way science progresses…a step at a time. Making the connections takes time. The foundational theory behind the beneficial mechanisms (for many diseases) of antioxidents, oxidative stress and inflammations is understood, but we have yet to understand and identify why some people benefit and others do not; and ultimately, how even more people could eventually benefit. For example, what is the role of the genetic tumor suppressor p53 (which is inactivated in most cancers) in the antioxidant defense and metabolism? It works in mice. How can we make it work in humans? Dietary studies are challenging and complex.
Well, recognize that this is NOT the end. Just today, a quick search of PubMed.gov shows 1,180 papers already in the literature (search criteria: “pomegranate”). A search of ClinicalTrials.gov shows currently 20 “open” trails (again, search criteria: “pomegranate”). For complete clarity, in both these cases, the studies and trials are not only about prostate cancer…and that’s my point here. It’s clear that there are benefits not only in the area of PC to at least some men, but also in many other areas of medicine as you can see in the titles of the studies and trials…they just haven’t been nailed down YET. Other areas of pomegranate scientific study include other cancers, fighting obesity, memory loss, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and the common cold.
Ref.: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=pomegranate
Ref.: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=pomegranate
Sorry, you guys, that it’s not a miracle cure…but you can continue to keep your fingers crossed if you’d like…further work IS ongoing in this area.
Yes NK, I confess: even though I have never tasted Pom, and even though I have only rarely considered giving it a try, I am still bitterly disappointed that this study does not
prove that Pom is a cure for my G9! Sorry, call me crazy, but that is just what I would really like and I am disappointed that there is little or no evidence that is the case!
But like you say, such is science and maybe someday?
Post Edited (BillyBob@388) : 8/19/2015 6:00:01 PM (GMT-6)