Posted 10/16/2015 7:12 PM (GMT -5)
mal - keep me post on your latest scan, hoping the best for you.
phenom - good question. oncologist has me listed as Stage III Metastatic Prostate Cancer for now, still officially a Gleason 7. Have 2 PSA done a year, most recent was in June (?), they never called me or sent me results, and I keep forgetting to call. I need to do that. All I know, its still above 50. I have one full body PET scan done a year, looking for any evidence of METS. So far, nothing big enough to show up or light up. All future advanced treatments still on hold until METs show up. It's a strategy that my doctor and I both agreed with, and I am still ok with it.
He still feels I am dealing with a lot of micro mets spread outside the prostate bed, but no one of them large enough to show. He still feels that HT and/or Chemo at this point - yes, would drive down the PSA number, but wouldn't necessarily cure or fix anything, but would increase even more severe quality of life issues. We both feel I am/have been dealing with enough QOL issues for 3 people, lol. So why make it worse on me.
In my original dx., and trust me, I am not one to take prognosis estimates to be anything but a wild guess, my urologist originally figured I was good for 7-10 years, especially after quickly failing surgery and SRT. I am still here 7 years later with no known mets. So much for that prognosis. Though I realize that my PC could pick up steam at any point and change the game plan in a hurry.
I'm not positive anymore if I would agree to advanced treatments if I ultimately am forced into that decision. Depends on my age at the time. Recently turned 63, but the past 7 years has been an endless and painful hell. Living many extra years with this pain load isn't high on my list of "wants". It would depend too, on what other medical issues I am dealing with at that time. So best I can say, is jury is still out on advanced treatments.
Living at all costs doesn't appeal to me, would rather have 3-5 years of reasonable QOL or 10 years of miserable living. The past 7 years has taught me that, if nothing else.
Of course, we all hope that some miracle cure will be out there one day, and if so, that would be great. But with what's available currently, all I see people doing is stalling for time, regardless of QOL. Not saying anyone is wrong for doing that, its a personal and subjective matter, that no one has the right to make on behalf of another person. We each have to make that decision if faced with it. I am responsible for my life, to the best of my abilities, but in the bigger picture of things, we all have a termination date, that began from the moment we were born. I accept that reality. Just part of the great circle of life.