In your signature, you said your post-op pathology showed pT2c, but in your post, you wrote EPE (which would be pT3a) - which one is correct? Because the cancer was only GS6 at the focal positive margin, you have a very low risk of clinical recurrence based on that:
When Should a Positive Surgical Margin Ring a Bell? An Analysis of a Multi-Institutional Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Database.Also, recurrence risk goes up with the length of the positive margin, so with your focal involvement and low Gleason, it adds little to your risk.
And the trump card is your Decipher score. It is
excellent at predicting which men will
not recur. In fact, it's negative predictive value is 98.5% - nearly perfect - for genomic classifier scores under 0.4. That means there is virtually no risk of a metastasis in the next 5 years. There are no guarantees for 20 years from now, but for now, at least, you seem to be safe.
- Allen
Post Edited (Tall Allen) : 12/14/2015 9:22:24 PM (GMT-7)