GeetarMan, you said...
Why can't they remove a small tumor from a prostate without removing the whole darn thing?
The short answer is that they can remove the tumor but the evidence is thin on the ground that it does any good.
Actually, there are lots of "focal" treatments that can go after a tumor and leave the rest of the prostate intact. HIFU (ultrasound) can do it, proton beams would work, radio-frequency needle ablation might be a good choice, or cryotherapy, or half a dozen other technologies. But none of them have impressive success rates in real world use.
To some extent they may be bottled up waiting for imaging technology to get better so we can know, for sure, where
all the cancer is located so none gets missed. Or it may be that, as Alf suggested, they will develop self-targeting drugs that can be administered systemically, or at least to wide areas, but only affect the cancerous tissues, which would make your question more or less moot.