Posted 1/22/2016 7:21 PM (GMT -5)
Hello All ,I have had a few consults with SBRT Drs in the Chicagoland area.As I am entering my last round of visits with SBRT,HDB,LDB.I keep asking myself on which Dr. and which therapy to choose and what Dr.seems to have the correct chemistry with me.Yes its draining as you all know.So here is what happened today.I wanted to talk to the best in SBRT to see if he had any recommendations of SBRT DRs in the Chicago,St.Louis area.I live in Chicago area but have family in St.Louis where I could camp out if needed.
So I go online to UCLA and look for Dr.Christopher King.What an impressive Bio he has.So I call his office looking for SBRT Dr. referrals out here in the Midwest.Maybe he knew of one that trained under him or just knew personally.So I talk to his secretary who was so sweet and she took the message to give to him.She said she would call me back with an answer.
A few hours later my phone rings,I say hello.Hello this is Dr.King how can I help you.We talked about 10 minuets,discussed the top 3 of my choice and even though he did not have any Midwest Drs to give me it was an amazing conversation.He is under my Ins. plan but lodgeing would be expensive in Santa Monica.Im looking into a Military base,Navy Lodge that might be close,he said maybe Long Beach.Time will tell.
That phone call meant the world to me.And from a World Class Dr.finding time to call me.It doesnt get any better than that.I also mentioned Tall Allen,from HW,he said Oh yes,Allen.I just want to thank everyone here on HW again for all the info and support you all give to help us with this war on PC.There should be an award given out for the best cancer support group in the World.Healingwell hands down.SemperFi