Hi Friends-
I had a very enlarged prostate..blocking my urine-
So, my wonderful urologist gave me the new "Green Light Laser" surgery..7 weeks ago-
He said all went well--Stayed one nite in Hospital w catheter--then sent home--had to keep catheter in one week...as I still could not urinate-
Finally...I was able to--
As I was told by my Urologist (and his terrific Phys Asst)-I should expect...8-12 wks..of recovery-
As he said..bleeding in urine did not clear up..till like....3 or 4 wks---
Then things improved..I was able to pass urine easily..(Tho soo often)- At first at nite..up every hr--now only 2 or 3 times/nite..urine looks clear--
**** OK..HERE is what has me worried..(And I have been doing "Google" searches..for like last 10 days..& can find NO answers--)
Could ANTONE here--help...?? By this..I mean...has anyone experienced what is worrying me--
Here it is---bout 10 days ago-started to experience a "Stinging" in my urethra--very brief...but...still stung--bot at tip & in middle of urethra.(NO discharge..only sting...& tingling)
My urologist had me take a "urine analysis"...the initial "Dip stick" showed a bit of blood (Dr- said..that was not surprising) - The RN...thought I MIGHT have a Urinary Tract Infection...but said..my urine would have yo be cultured -
In the meantime...I was started on a regime of BACTRIM DS--(one tab/twice a day)--in case..I did..
After 3 days..I called up,,the lab....they got the results--my urine had NO pathogens.."No Growth"...as it says on report-
I asked my urologist--If I could stop the Bactrim...(He agreed I should as there was NO infection...& it was upsetting my stomach)
**OK....here is my question---since I have NO UTI.....WHAT is causing this urerthral discomfort..?????
His....nice Phys Asst...she told me..."Richard it could be...just irritated--you had a LOT of instruments..in your urethra.." (Aside from the "Green Light Laser" surgery....had catheter...put in 4 times--!)
Has ANYONE here--had the "Green Light Laser"....surgery..???
And..IF so--ANYONE ever hsve this urethral...stinging....?? (Again..Have done Sooo much searching to see if ANY guys had experienced this--no luck)--ONLY other thing I could think..of..is I have passed..2 or 3 times...bits of Prostate "Tissue debris"...(As Dr--said..I would)--MAYBE passing this tissue...kinda irritated the urethra..?????? Just a thought-!
BOTH..my urologist & his Phys asst.do NOT seemed concerned !
(I'd...feel a LOT better...IF I KNEW..it would go away..but it did NOT come,,,right after the surgery,,,but.like 6 weeks.later)
Anyway,,I hope 1 or 2 of you get back..& can share a similar experience--!-OR your thoughts--I'd greatly appreciate it--!!!
This has me Soo worried...!
Please--could someone get back...
I am confused--