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Looking up your earlier posts, it seems you're a G8. That alone puts you in the higher risk category. Tough call on the ADT. Two years has been shown clearly superior in the context of radiation therapy, but I don't know about
salvage radiation and so on. Our forum expert Tall Allen may have some useful links.
Here's one to a study by Dr. Nabid in 2013, describing his findings of the superiority of 2 years ADT over 6 months, but it's in the context of primary radiotherapy:
meetinglibrary.asco.org/content/114784-132His presentation was never published as a paper, for some reason. You can't see the presentation there without some kind of log in or membership. You can see the abstract summary though.
And of course, there's the classic 2009 Bolla study, showing 3 years superior to 6 months of ADT. That's based on treatments long before the radiation therapies we have today, so it's controversial as to how it applies today. Again, it's specifically addressing ADT along with primary radiotherapy:
www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0810095Your doctor can help you make a relative risk assessment. While longer term ADT provides some percentage of improved survivability, a low white blood cell count could be a bigger negative. There just aren't simple answers for a lot of this stuff.