What I meant when I wrote that is that I know there are some patients who desperately want to do local treatment even without evidence of efficacy. Spot treatment of 2 LNs in your case probably won't harm you (even if it probably won't help you). The argument against its use is when it precludes or delays other treatment. Spot treatment of individual LNs
now may preclude whole pelvic treatment later. To be clear: there is
no evidence that spot treatment delays progression or prolongs survival. None. And the evidence that even whole pelvic salvage radiation increases survival is weak, so far.
As for your concerns about
inflammatory bowel disease, a recent pilot study showed there was little concern when IMRT was used for
primary treatment on men with inflammatory bowel disease. I know the situation is different for you because your prostate is gone. Nomar Lupron's bowel dose was much less than mine (same RO, same machine) even though he had whole pelvic treatment and I was treated in the prostate only. Anatomic considerations are important.
Radiation treatment of men with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)