There have been a number of references in some of the current threads about
how some doctors can be jerks.
Many of us have had this uncomfortable experience, of having to deal with a doctor who is rude, condescending, impatient, etc.
And there are lots of articles out there about
I found the one below on this subject, written by a doctor, to be a good one, because the writer goes into specific reasons rather than generalities as to why some doctors wind up behaving this way.
For example:
"… as there are over 6000 new research studies published world-wide each day, our fear of failing to know everything we “should” causes many of us to hide behind a veil of toughness. Arrogance is often just a cover for vulnerability."and
"We are frequently interrupted (in the midst of very grave conversations, for example) with requests for approval of Tylenol orders, coding clarifications for duplicate insurance documents" (That is, many doctors get stressed out by daily trivia, and it translates into their metamorphosizing into jerks).
and (interestingly):
"Trauma surgeons, cardio-thoracic surgeons, and neurosurgeons have the strongest jerk traits, while pediatricians, physiatrists, and family physicians are probably on the other end of that scale. There are some exceptions, of course, but actually not many."The article then goes on to offer some suggestions on how to deal with doctors who are proving to be jerks, with "do's" and "don'ts" for how to react in such situations.
The author discusses other "jerk-inducing" factors. In sum, if a doctor is being a jerk, there may be a reason for it.