Don't know if this is helpful or not but I've been posting my PSA and exam results every 3 months as I am on AS (thanks to this forum). I've been on AS for 2.5 years now. I check in from time to time and try to convince guys with stats like mine to consider AS. I feel like it was great decision for me, and I hope more "younger" men consider this option as my doc originally tried, pretty forcefully, to get me to have the surgery.
Anyway, latest PSA was 1.04, up a little bit from last time but it does fluctuate from test to test. You can read my history in my sig.
In other news, got a new guitar a couple weeks ago, a Fender Jaguar, the most fun instrument I've ever owned.
Also don't think I ever posted that I started a band a few months ago and we've been gigging around the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) a little bit. Been a ton of fun and I am so glad that I am free of PCa treatment SEs (for the time being at least) and able to enjoy life to the fullest.
That's all for now. Peace to you all.