Posted 11/9/2016 7:31 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Everyone
I am 45 and have been having some urinary retention, weak stream and urgency for some time. For a while also quite sensitive in the lower abdomen. A few weeks ago had such a hard time starting urination that I went to see a Urologist. DRE was clear, but flow was very week. PSA test was 12.2. I have had weak stream symptoms coming and going for several years and even went to a Urologist 3 years ago that just told me to practice holding my urine as DRE exam was clear, but he did not do a PSA test back then. My symptoms of a slow stream and then more recently urgency to urinate often came and went and did nto really bother me that much during the last few years, until recently when it has deteriorated quite a lot and does not seem to be getting better on its own like it used to. And by the way, the only reason a PSA test was done on my recent visit to the Uro is because suggested it as I was leaving since I had starting reading a bit about prostate issues and had heard about PSA in the news due to Ben Stiller's PC. So the PSA test was done after a DRE exam and I know this can effect results. But even the DRE exam was over with in a couple of seconds so I don’t know how good this doctor is. Also I lay on my side during DRE and I read in Dr. Walsh book that the DRE are more reliable as Dr.'s can feel more of the prostate if done by the famous "bend over" line.
After I saw how high my PSA was and started reading about this, I also discovered an old full physical check I did just over 3.5 years ago - the only fully physical I have done -and in that check my PSA was 5.2, but I was not told to monitor the PSA or do a check up by the GP who revived the file at the time. I vaguely remember him saying that the PSA was a bit high, but other than that everything looked fine. No mention of a follow up or the importance to keep track of an elevated PSA. At that time I was not aware of what PSA was or the importance of keeping checking elevated PSA, so never followed up as I was in the dark.
On my last visit a few weeks ago the Urologist first gave me Flomax. Then as soon as the test results came in for the PSA , I had suggested, he called me immediately and proscribed me with Anti-biotics and diagnosed me with Prostatitis “until further notice” and subscribed 4 weeks of anti-biotics on top of the Flomax he had already provided. Doctor wants me to come back around 3 weeks after I have finished the 4 weeks of anti-biotics which is sometime in early to mid-December to do another PSA test.
Well I am over 3 weeks into the anti-biotics and I still have some urgency although not as bad as before and it doesn't really bother me that much. Stream much better due to Flomax. Tried yesterday to not take Flomax for one day to see if any change and stream was substantially weaker today and took a while to start a stream this morning. So I am back on the Flomax. Since starting AB’s and Flomax I have had some days where I don’t feel very good and have a lot of sensation in the lower abdominal area. Could be side effects from medicine but I am not sure. My concern is that if this was Prostatitis I was expecting the frequency and weak stream to improve if I stopped Flomax, especially as I am almost finished with the Anti-Biotics. When I take Ibuprofen the discomfort/sensitivity gets much better though, so have been taking that for a few days.
I would be interested to know what you think; should I wait until December to do another PSA or just do it as soon as I finish the 4 weeks of anti-biotics next week? Doctor had told me that if Anti-Biotics work the PSA will slowly come down, but I just want to see if it has come down as soon as possible as I don’t feel much improvement since starting medicine. At the moment I don't have too much confidence in him as he did not test my PSA 3 years ago and was not going to do it on my last visit, until I suggested it. If PSA hasn’t come down I want to do a biopsy right away as don't want to waste time. What is your advice? Wait till early to mid-December for another PSA test or do one as soon as I finish Anti-Biotics next week?
I apologize in advance if this is not a suitable post, as I have not been diagnosed with PC but the signs are worrying. I appreciate very much any feedback and advice from this knowledgeable group.