I'm a newbie here (still learning what most of the abbreviations mean...
Just starting active surveillance (Gleason six, Tc1, first opinion, waiting for second opinion from UW Seattle Urology) and of course want to know about
any new developments that will help predict the unknown future.
The research on gene testing seems tentative so would be interested in collective wisdom on any tests here. Here are the ones I've found so far:
Oncontype test uses cell material from biopsy to predict aggressiveness. Covered by Medicare.
Decipher test uses cell material from biopsy to predict aggressiveness. Covered by Medicare but only charges $100 to patient if private denies. Patient care at 888-792-1601 very helpful.
Mi-Prostate Score uses urine samples $763 without insurance. Billing codes 81313 and 81479. University of Michigan. Desmond at (800) 862-7284 very helpful.
Prolaris test from Myriad in Utah. Medicare covered. $300 plus if private insurance doesn’t cover? Uses cells from biopsy for genetic markers of aggressiveness.
That’s what I’ve found so far. Any advice?
Also, any recommendations on Urologists/oncologists for active surveillance in Seattle area? We seem to be rather behind in MRI related biopsy procedures up here. I really don’t want a second biopsy. Not much pain but the recovery was worse than I thought, and seems rather barbaric to be punching the little walnut full of holes once a year and not expect some side effects etc. at some point.
But biopsy doesn’t compare to having the little walnut removed, which brings me to my last point. I feel like a light weight here because so far my prostate problems aren’t much compared to many of yours. The level of knowledge and genuine empathy for fellow travelers on this site is pretty remarkable. I wish our national politics were as thoughtful!
Peace, SailingBob