Steve0 said...
My PSA has gone up to 0.132 and now the doc is talking about Adjuvant Radiation........Any input.....He said he is not talking about Salvage Radiation.
Sorry you are faced with this rock and a hard place bigger than the initial treatment decision. I went for the HT/Radiation because there is still that chance of a cure. Again a tough call but one you will have to make and fairly soon. The longer you wait, the higher your PSA will be and the less likely the radiation will do any good.
Not sure about
what I quoted. I could be wrong but I thought the only difference between Adjuvant and Salvage radiation is the timing. With Adjuvant it's given as soon as possible after surgery even if your PSA is still undetectable. (typically done for the higher risk cases) Salvage is given after your PSA begins to rise post surgery which appears to be the case for you.
The radiation treatment itself is the same, just the timing and reason to start it differ. Again, I'm not a doc so could easily be wrong.