Some of you may laugh when I say that I am only 29, however I've been on a almost 2 year journey of trying to figure out why my Prostate is enlarged. Two years ago I was in for a normal Biometric & Physical that I do annually. I was actually having some urinary issues at that time so my doctor at the time ran all the regular tests as well as STD related ones that all came back as clear. He did state that I had a slightly enlarged prostate at that point in time and suggested we try to treat for prostatitis with some prescript
ions. Those didn't seem to change anything so I went off to a urologist who couldn't really find anything through some basic visits. I ended up stopping my visits to the urologist as I just generally didn't like the office or the staff there. Fast forward to a year later, this last December and I went in for my normal Physical and Biometric. My PCP from a year ago left the medical group so I met my new doctor and went over all the information from previous visits. At the time I was having some really bad stomach issues that we couldn't figure out (basically constantly being full and having no appetite) so he sent me for a CT scan of the area. Everything stomach wise looked good but he notice that the Prostate is now Moderately large, especially for my age. After seeing this, he ordered a PSA test and other blood and urine work which all came back within "Range". Of course, what is a standard range for someone under 30. Anyway my PSA came back as 1.78 which seems low by any range that is posted, but there doesn't see to be any reference for someone my age. I've also heard that it both is and is not generic in the sense that my Grandfather actually had a pretty severe case of it a couple years back. Is it possible that this is like very early baby stages?
This may be unrelated but every year during my Biometric blood work, I've had a higher than range total protein count in my Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMPN) tests which slightly gets higher every year. My doctor said that while its not alarming on its own, it seems worth attention considering it grows by like .2 to .4 each year that we've tested for Biometrics. He had me take a test non fasting to make sure there wasn't a false positive on it and it still is sitting around a 9 with a normal range o 6.8-8. He stated that something like that is usually in indicator of some sort of chronic inflammation.
I guess I'm just not sure what's worth looking into at my age or should I just pretend like nothing is there and wait till I'm older...