Posted 4/5/2017 7:20 AM (GMT -5)
Reading through the PCa posts, clearly some people have BIG problems, and most if not all seek, and it seems get, support and advice. That is good.
Four years ago I was 'diagnosed' as having PCa. The diagnosis came in the form of a high PSA level (I wasn't told how high, and didn't know it had been requested) and, following referral to a uro surgeon, a DRE, which was NBD. Just routine. The uro man decided to wait for three months before doing anything, but in the meantime gave me a referral for another blood test, and a scrip for some magic potion, if necessary to be injected in the rump. Three months later the PSA was such as to warrant the injection. Three months later again, the PSA was such as not to need the injection - and so it has gone, every other three months an injection.
My current GP, seen recently, was surprised that I had not had a biopsy or any other kind of medical confirmation as to the PCa's condition, or indeed existence. Just that DRE, and that was 'it'.
From the first, I have had NO symptoms of any kind, nor have I had any side effects from the injections. The consolation, such as it is, is that the surgeon has from the first insisted I shall not die because of the cancer, but with it. Now 91, the chances of that happening seem good! The potential side-effects, found in Google, read as quite something. Very early in the piece, I had my neighbor and a friend in for coffee. I told them all about these possible effects, noting that it looked like a bundle of fun ahead for me. "Right," said K, my neighbor, putting down her coffee, "so if we see you running around in a skirt, we'll know it's working!" - my friend, also a woman, shared in the humor. The three of us had a good laugh. Ever since, still there have been no symptoms and no side effects. After four years, I do wonder has the original diagnosis been genuine - or has it all been a genuine mistake?
For those for whom things have not been a mistake, I think and feel for you. For those such as I, just count your blessings, and get on with life. It's the only way to go. If you can avoid it, don't go looking for trouble.