Pratoman said...
I've been puzzled by all this in light of my low risk Decipher score.
So i contacted Oncodx and asked for a copy of the GRID report, which drills down on all of the various factors that make up the score. I didnt understand it all but got the gist of it.
So then i asked if there was someone in the technical area i could speak with because id like to get an idea to what extent the Decipher details could inform a decision as to when and whether to treat.
Tonight, a couple of hours later, i received a call from the President and Chief Scientific Officer of OncoDx, i believe he is the developer o the Decipher test. Pretty cool. He was extremely generous with his time. We spoke for about 20 minutes.
The gist of it is, no guarantees (of course) but the results show that my tumor has a very low likelihood of proliferation, and of attaching itself to bone, or other organs. Also, "poor response to Radiation treatment" which is what the GRID stated, doesnt mean i wouldnt respond, but that it might require higher dosage. He mentioned that MSKCC / Zelefsky is known for their methodology of higher dosing. (thanks TA).
Told me that they often see rising PSA that levels off, close to .1. In view of my positive margin on frozen section, its possible some cancer cells were left behind and that is what is producing the PSA. But its also possible that those cells are indolent and will not turn into anything menacing. Especially in view of the fact that its been almost 3 years since surgery and my PSA only recently started to rise.
In short he said no rush to treat, in fact "dont rush to treat" , and waiting would not likely hurt me, or affect the outcome.
So all in all it was a positive conversation. It would have been a great conversation if he said he could give me guarantees. LOL.
Great guy, actually gave me his cell and email and said to reach out anytime.
Seeing Dr tomorrow.
Well, that is incredible that you got such a phone call! And it seems like the crux of his opinion is that you should stop worrying, even with a slightly and slowly rising PSA. Good luck with that. May I develop a similar attitude.