There is still some confusion, at least on my part, about
when to take ADT.
Allen says. . . " I must have talked to a half dozen excellent medical oncologists
this and opinions vary. All agree that there are 3 situations that require immediate HT:
1. high PSA (>10 ng/ml), or
2. rapid doubling time (<9 months), or
3. detected metastases or symptoms "
That sounds totally reasonable to me.
Then, "Some have incorporated the findings of the TOAD RCT into their practice and use ADT
when recurrence after salvage RT (>0.2) is confirmed" . . . And, "The ones who go with TOAD
point to the fact that quality of life was not impaired by the earlier start, and time to castration
resistance was not shortened by it --".
If one can extend the PSADT from, say <9 months, to 3, 5 or even 10 years, using diet and
exercise, how is my quality of life not impaired? It's likely that I could delay ATP for many years;
possibly for the rest of my life.
As I read threads, like this one below, It's hard to believe that my "quality of life" will be the same.