Tall Allen said...
It usually starts with every 3 months. Because you have a few risk factors - dominant pattern 4, EPE and positive margins - your Uro will probably want to maintain the 3 month schedule until you demonstrate convincing stability. Make sure your pathology report includes the size of the tumor(s), the size of the positive margins, and the Gleason score at the positive margin.
. I value your input but I am sorry, I do not understand your statement. Make sure your pathology report includes the size of the tumor(S), the size of yours margins, and Gleason score at the pos margins. As I read the report none of this info is on the report. I am ashamed to say, that I read my pathology report wrong. Called today asking about
my margins. Truth is with my dixlexia I read the report wrong. When I read, sometimes I only hit the high points. My report said:: Margins. Margins "uninvolved" by invasive carcinoma. My brain read... Margins involved by invasive carcinoma. It has been a tough couple of weeks. POed at my URO for not explaining about
my positive margins ( which I did not have) also unhappy with him for saying I was doing great (Which I probably am). Well off to correct my signature.