dbell said...
BillyBob@388 said...
Boy, this sure is interesting! So it appears the evil insurance companies, while saving themselves some money, are going to save many thousands of men much unneeded suffering, even if they demand the treatment and not unlikely suffering that often goes with it. Amazing! Plus, this attitude is very likely to spread, and if it does it is going to cost urologists many millions of dollars, and the same for the hospitals. Not only will RP and RT #s plummet, but so will surgeries for slings, AUS and penile implants! This is- or may soon become- a game changer in a major way!
Oh, Dbell: source: the warden in Cool Hand Luke! "I'm shaking it over here boss, I'm shaking it!"
BillyBob...not sure if you were busting my chops with your rant, but its all good. Not sure how anyone could side with large insurance entities nickel and diming people to save a buck regardless of long term risk etc., but I guess you guys are out there! Oh, and BTW, I am bit younger than you and have heard the quote about
...."failure to communicate", but it was before my time as I am not an old movie buff.Hey there Dbell! Not at all busting your chops with my rant, and I sympathize with your situation, particularly with your inability to have further testing paid for. But I do have pretty strong feelings about
all the men who are- often with no real need as their risk is so small- seriously hurt for life with various PC treatments. Men who often had almost no chance of either dying, or even ever having any symptoms from- their PC. And a related situation: the recommendations- apparently being acted upon- that we not even be tested because of all of the over treatment. Which means guys with the aggressive cancers- the men who may well actually suffer and die from this disease- will end up getting diagnosed much later than they should have, when there is less chance of a good result with treatment. So some are apparently willing to throw these high risk guys under the bus just because doctors are telling the low risk guys "you have cancer and we need to get it out" or, just by using the word cancer for a very low volume G6, end up with the patient demanding of the doc "get it out now".
There seems to have been little middle ground, or common sense approach such as instead of denying high risk men a chance at a possibly life saving PSA, instead stop the doctors from scaring guys who don't need treatment into demanding treatment. Though admittedly, I can see how it would be tough to force doctors to take such an approach.
So all I was trying to say is: it seems quite an irony that the insurance companies- often thought of as the bad guys by me and others, for not being there for us after we have paid them up front- that these same insurance companies might be the ones who solve the above problem by refusing to pay for what many consider to be unneeded treatment where the cure is not uncommonly worse than the disease. And though many will disagree with me on this, IMO if they don't pay for these surgeries for the very low risk patients, even when the patients themselves(and not just their surgeons) demand surgery, there is going to be a great reduction in unneeded suffering for these low risk men. And there is plenty of suffering in this world that is a result of PC surgery, though I guess how much of it is really necessary remains up for debate. That the insurance companies- rather than the doctors- would be the reason for this decrease in suffering- just seemed a bit ironic to me. Or maybe not.
But please forgive me if I seemed to be trying to bust your chops with my rant, I was definitely not! Though I do rant, and I guess that was one, and this was another! Good luck on getting what you need to increase your peace of mind!
Oh, sorry about
the Cool Hand Luke, that was NKinney asking about
the reference, not you!