dbell said...
Sr Sailor said...
Interesting thread; Thanks for the well-reasoned responses.
Now with respect to the OP, what could an MRI show that would be new/helpful for the patient or the MSK team?
Here are the particulars:
Age 53
DX 11/17
PSA 5.1
G 3+3
1 core of 12 - 35% involvement, confirmed by MSKCC
Think first of all MSKCC wants to follow AS protocol which would confirm that the PCa is confined to the prostate for starters. Also, since the 12 core biopsy leaves some questions as to other effected cores (mapping template biopsy much more thorough 60 to 70 cores), it may show more cancer etc.?? Just my thoughts!
OK; I can see that point of view. And, to answer my own question (!), it would be good to have a 'baseline' MRI. Hopefully it won't show anything to worry about